TCO V 2.0

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TCO V 2.0

Death Star II Official Rulings

Death Star and Death Star II - The two Death Stars seen in A New Hope and Return of the Jedi are completely separate from each other in terms of gameplay; each has its own Sites, its own Superlaser and its own enhancement cards. Thus, in game text, the term "Death Star" refers only to the first Death Star and the term "Death Star II" refers only to the second one. (For example, the cards Put All Sections On Alert and Set Your Course For Alderaan, which refer to any card with "Death Star" in its title, work only with the first Death Star.)
Although Death Star and Death Star II may be on table at the same time, each player may deploy Locations only from one of them. In other words, once you deploy a Death Star Location, you may not deploy a Death Star II Location in that game, and vice versa.

Death Star II Location Deployment - The Sector Locations depicting the interior of the second Death Star are related to the Death Star II System. The layout of these Sectors and related Death Star II Sites is shown below.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]


[1] = Death Star II: Throne Room (site)

[2] = Death Star II: Docking Bay (site)

[3] = Death Star II (system)

[4] = Death Star II: Coolant Shaft (sector)

[5] = Death Star II: Capacitors (sector)

[6] = Death Star II : Reactor Core (sector)

Death Star II Sectors - Neither player may deploy, battle or initiate Force drains at a Death Star II Sector.
Starfighters may move to Death Star II Sectors, but Squadrons and Capital Starships may not (even those that move like Starfighters). Two types of regular moves (each requiring 1 Force) are allowed at Death Star II Sectors:

¥ System to Sector - A Starfighter may move from Death Star II System to Death Star II: Coolant Shaft (or vice versa).

¥ Sector to Sector - A Starfighter may move from a Sector to an adjacent Sector.

Dark Side Starfighters may move to a Death Star II Sector only if there is a Light Side Starfighter at one of those Sectors. Whenever there are no Light Side Starfighters at any Death Star II Sectors during the Dark Side's move phase, any Dark Side Starfighters at those Sectors must move back toward the Death Star II System (for free, one Sector per turn).

That Thing's Operational - If the Light Side "blows away" Death Star II using this Epic Event's game text, before the Sector and System Locations are lost, each piloted Starfighter at the Death Star II: Reactor Core may immediately attempt to 'escape' as unlimited movement. That Starfighter moves toward the Death Star II System (moving one Sector at a time for free, and drawing each required movement destiny, until it either reaches the System Location or is lost). The Light Side Starfighters all attempt to escape first, then the Dark Side Starfighters do the same (drawing movement destiny using Light Side game text).

Emperor Palpatine - The Emperor has a new Dark Jedi Master icon, which includes a Dark Side Force icon. Thus, Dark Side Force generation is +1 at the Emperor's Location. Because Emperor Palpatine's deployment restriction uses the word "never," that restriction cannot be circumvented by cards such as Quarren and Cane Adiss.

Admiral's Orders - A new card type for the Death Star II Expansion. Your Admiral's Order cards deploy on table for free, but only during your deploy phase and only if you occupy a battleground System. There can be only one Admiral's Order on table at any time; when a new one is deployed, the previous one (no matter which player it belongs to) is placed in its owner's Used Pile. Many functions listed in the game text of Admiral's Order cards apply to both players, instead of just to you or your opponent; if a particular sentence does not specifically apply to one player, then it applies to both.

You Must Confront Vader - This, the sixth and final Jedi Test, allows Luke (or Leia) to at last become a Jedi Knight by facing Vader and dueling him. Unlike the other Jedi Tests, this one does not require its target to be on Dagobah. Note that the destiny draw required when attempting the test is part of a duel, and thus is not "training destiny" (it is not subject to training destiny modifiers).