TCO V 2.0

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TCO V 2.0

6/21/00 9 new DS2 cards and the Rulesheet
There are 9 cards addeed to the Death Star II Official Cards including 2 admiral orders. I also added the Rules for Death star II. The contest is still going on you could win a Boba Fett T-Shirt(which is awsome) or a Jar Jar Binks Life Size Stand-Up(which is even cooler!!). You get an entry in the drawing each time you submit something!! PLEASE sign up for my newsletter - I am producing a newsletter called the Corellian Dispatch. To sign up E-mail me at It is for all Star Wars CCG players(maybe prizes too!!). Also if you want the "Just for Corellians" section please tell me that. It will be about events going on in the Corellia Region. I am hoping to make this weekly so you will get it often.
6/20/00 2 new DS2 cards
I added Tala 2 And Lt. Blount to the Death Star II Encyclopedia so check those out(thanks goes out to Tom Lischke for all the info).
6/19/00 Please sign up for the Newsletter!!!
We broke 1000 today so I am pleased keep those hits comin'. Also you can now get E-Mail here, It will be "" and you just sign up and check your mail below. The mail is completely free and will always be that way. I added to the Death Star II Encyclopedia with 4 new spoiled cards, they were spoiled by Tom. I also added a article by Caleb entitled Tips for Newbies. The contest is still going on you could win a Boba Fett T-Shirt(which is awsome) or a Jar Jar Binks Life Size Stand-Up(which is even cooler!!). You get an entry in the drawing each time you submit something!!
6/16/00 Death Star II Encyclopedia
Today I added the Death Star II Encyclopedia by Indiana Joines, Jedi Knight and contributions by me. It inludes 6 official cards and tons of other Official Death Star II information. I am working on my own Dreamcard Set. Episode 1 - Jedi Fates, includong The best Jedi of them all Mace Windu. It will be a full set with the normal amount of cards(I hope).