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TCO V 2.0

Newbie tips for SW:CCG
by Caleb

So, you want to know the secrets of the SW:CCG? Well, like magicians, great players don't readily give out their secrets. But since I'm not considered a great player...I'll give you some pointers. Starting out in SW:CCG can be tough. Its nice to be around a caring group of people that are really nice and will help you out every way that they can (you know who you are, *wink*). Well, first off...for those that have played Young Jedi, there are a few tips to remember. One, weapons don't matter that much in the SW:CCG. In Young Jedi winning is a combination of battle cards, strong characters and weapons...but in SW:CCG it is purely the characters. The goal is not only to have more power than your opponent, but a WHOLE LOT more power. For example, it is better to win by 10 than by 5. So instead of the millions of weapons and devices that are put into many newbie decks (mine included) limit it to about 1-3. Give yourself more room for characters and ships. Also, keep in mind that there are not really any cards that say "add three to this character's power", so try and get a good balance of strong characters. Of course the mains are the best way to go, but starting out you probably don't have that many mains, so just do the best you can until you can put together that 'dream deck' of mains.
Next, deck construction. I've seen several people cower in fear of constructing their own deck. Don't let this happen to you. There are plenty of common and uncommon cards that can form a pretty nasty deck. You just need to think it through and develop an idea. Don't think that just because you are a newbie with next to no rares that your abilities are any less than the guy who owns all the cards. Its not what you have that counts, but how you use what you have. (That's why I liked the sealed deck tourneys...but I won't go into that right now.) I've outlined a few tips in constructing a basic deck, of course feel free to modify this recipe...this is just a general guideline.
Characters: Put about 15-22 of these in your deck. Many times swarms of low deploy, low power characters can dish out some pretty heavy damage...but they must be used all at once, don't deploy any lone characters at a site...(I learned this the hard way).
Devices/Weapons: As I said before, limit yourself to 1-3 of these. I mainly use starships weapons...since they are great when taking on a Star Destroyer. Devices are ok, but usually are more trouble than they are worth.
Ships: I think about 3-7 ships is sufficient for a basic deck. Of course there are some decks that rely mostly on ships, and thats ok...if you want to try that then I suggest switching the characters and ships numbers.
Locations: The main action centers of a game. 7-11 locations should be sufficient, more than that gets bulky and less than 7 then you most likely won't draw the locations you need very quickly.
Vehicles: Vehicles are pretty useless unless you are playing the Dark Side, even then try and only put about 5 in a deck.
Interrupts/Effects etc: The rest of your deck should be filled with these. Generally interrupts are more useful than effects, but see what you've got to work with and make your own requirements here.