TCO V 2.0

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TCO V 2.0

Oola Takes over Yavin 4
By: Tantive XXX
Locations (7)
Dagobah: Yoda's Hut
Hoth: Echo Command Center (War Room)
Rendezvous Point
Tatooine: Obi-Wan's Hut
Yavin 4: Massassi Throne Room

Characters (14)
Captain Han Solo
Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol
Harc Seff
Leia With Blaster Rifle x2
Luke With Lightsaber x2
Obi-Wan Kenobi x2
Obi-Wan With Lightsaber
Oola x2
Tawss Khaa
Wedge Antilles

Creatures (2)
Nudj x2

Starships (4)
Gold Leader In Gold 1
Millennium Falcon x2
Red Leader In Red 1

Interrupts (24)
Alter x4
Careful Planning
Gift Of The Mentor
Glancing Blow
Grimtaash x2
It Could Be Worse x2
Nabrun Leids
Sense x5
Shocking Information x2
Smoke Screen
The Signal
Transmission Terminated x2

Effects (8)
Battle Plan
Civil Disorder
Draw Their Fire
Frozen Assets x2
Order To Engage
Traffic Control
Uncontrollable Fury

Weapons (1)
Obi-Wan's Lightsaber

Strategy: Always start with Throne Room, Careful Planning and the 2 <> sites. Get the 2 Nudjs on
the 2 <> sites ASAP. Then just beat them w/ the effects and if you have to, by battling.

HDADTJ: This deck is really overrated and should be easy to beat. I have 2 Transmission
Terminated to get rid of Visage. Since my average destiny is rather high (2.89) dueling isn't a
problem. Even GMT isn't a problem because I have the Uncontrollable Fury.

ISB: This deck is rather difficult. I normally drop Oola alone at the Throne but w/ all the spies it's
risky. To beat them just get out Battle Plan to slow down the drains and then OTE them to death.

ROps or Imperial Control: Get out Oola to slow them down and then get out Battle Plan and OTE.
After that it shouldn't be too difficult to win.

Manipulation: This deck isn't that difficult. Use Shocking Infos and OTE and they're done.

Carbon Chamber: This is the one deck where FA really helps. Give them Wedge to freeze and then get out FA and OTE. After that it shouldn't be difficult to win.