TCO V 2.0

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TCO V 2.0

Freeze/Fry Beatdown

Cloud City:Carbonite Chamber(Usually)

Hoth: Docking Bay
Hoth: Defensive Perimeter (3rd Marker)
Cloud City: Platform 327 (Docking Bay)
Tatooine: Docking Bay
Tatooine: Cantina
Tatooine: Jundland Wastes
Jabba's Palace: Entrance Cavern
<>Spaceport Docking Bay

Jedi Lightsaber
Electrobinoculars x2

Corellian Corvette x3
Tantive 4
Red Squadron X-wing
Lando In Millenium Falcon

Bith Shuffle x2
It Could Be Worse x2
Slight Weapons Malfunction
Life Debt
Noble Sacrifce x2

Frozen Assets x2
Draw Their Fire
Battle Plan
Lightsaber Proficiency
Traffic Control

Commander Wedge Antilles
Hal Okland
Luke With Saber
Chewie With Rifle
Figrin D'an
Han With Gun
Biggs Darklighter
Obi with Saber
Lando With Pistol
Tawss Khaa
Jek Porkins
Coporal Janse
Monow Nadon
General Dodonna
Mon Mothma
Master Luke
Chewbacca of Kashyyyk

Strategy: I Can Hear It Now "Wiosela, Bith Shuffle, General Dodonna, They Stink" Well I have reasons, first the Bith Shuffle, EVERYBODY in my meta is great at tracking. I decided to put these in their to try to stop that. I was playing a huntdown duel deck the other day, The person had tracked two visages, boy was he ****** when he lost vader to my destiny total of 7( he Drew a Vader and a Vaders Saber) It was great. That easily won the game for the the only other characters he had in there were GMT and Mara Jade. They Got Wooped on. Plus its a great destiny to track. Now Wiosela I tried this at a tournament, I played ROPS 2 out of 3 times. They get mad when you buy their walkers, very mad. Now dodonna is in their 'cause he has a forfeit of 7.

My Basic Stategy is get Out my drain of 2+ sites(7 of them) and make it hard for opponent to drain with battle plan then i beat dwon on their characters. I try to let the person think im playing a Cloud City Celebration Deck the first few turns, because i get out the CC Docking Bay, then I don't get out the other bays until I have a site there where I can drain for Two. The Tosche Station is in there for COK and Obi. COK is forfeit 9 power 6 Obi is forfeit 8 power 5.

Huntdown: Right before duel I Use Electro Binocs and Bith Shuffle to get a good destiny and make opponents horrible. That usually screws them up if their not dueling a just make sure they don't hit Luke or Obi with Bith Shuffle.

ROPS: I use the Spaceport Docking bay to get to Rallitir early on and hopefully prevent them from controling 3 sites for long periods of time and buy their walkers

Court: I just evade capture the best that I can. If they do flip I try to Sacrifce the with Noble Sacrifce so I retrieve rather then the opponent by placing them out of play.