TCO V 2.0

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TCO V 2.0

They Know We're Here/A Complete Evacuation
by: Crazy Hermit

They Know We're Here

Deploy: Hoth system, and Hoth: Echo Docking Bay.

While this side up: Once per turn, may search your deck for one Rogue T-47 or Hoth: Main Power Generators. May not deploy Echo Base Operations for remainder of game.

Flip: this card if you have at least 4 {Hoth} Rebels on table or if your {Hoth} Rebels control at least 2 Hoth marker sites.

Place out of play: if Hoth is 'blown away'.

A Complete Evacuation

While this side up: Once per turn, may deploy one Planet Defender Ion Cannon, The First Transport Is Away! or Medium Transport from Reserve Deck. If you complete The First Transport Is Away!, , relocate that effect to your side of table and your {Hoth} Rebels may add 1 to Force drain at each battleground location they control. You lose no Force if Hoth is 'blown away'. Once per turn, may retrieve one {Hoth} Rebel.