TCO V 2.0

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TCO V 2.0

Jedi Academy/New Jedi Era
By: s_0_s

Jedi Academy(0)
Deploy: Yavin 4 and Yavin 4: Jedi Temple. May deploy Force Splinter and/or Jedi Praxeum. While this side up: Only unique characters may attempt Jedi Academy Tests. Jedi Academy Tests are non unique. You may deploy (but may not atempt Jedi Tests and Power = 0 while this side up)Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master(with Affect mind deployed on him), Spirit of Anakin, and Kyle Katarn. May Not Deploy any sites from Premiere or Special Editon to Yavin 4. Retreive one force each time you complete a Jedi Test. No Dagobah Sites May Be deployed. Palapatine, The Re-incarnation, Mara Jade, and J'oruos C'Boath are Power and Forfeit + 4, may not be targeted by lightsabers and Immune to Attrition. May not deploy Obi Wan. May not deploy Luke or Leia of ability less than 6(Besides Master Luke).
Flip: When Jedi Academy Test 6 has been completed.

The New Jedi Era(7)
Immediately:Deploy any non-unique characters in lost pile(maximum 5)
While this side up:Elis Helrot and Nabrun Leids are suspended(canceled). Your charcters of ability of greater than 3 may only deploy to Yavin. Your characters of ability <5 are forfeit +2. Lightsabers add 2 to force drains and are cumalative. Opponent may not deploy to Yavin 4. If Mara Jade on table she is crossed to the light. May Not Deploy any sites from Premiere or Special Edition to Yavin 4. Dagobah sites may not be deployed. Any character that has completed Jedi Academy Test 6 is power +1 while at a (diamond) site. Oponents Aliens are deploy -1. Imperials are deploy +1. Your Control, Sense, and Alter are Used Interupts. If your Jedi is on a planet site may lose 2 force, a Control, Sense, or Alter, and that Jedi to move all Imperial starships and mobile systems at related system to another sytem, those ships are hyperspeed -2 and power -3. May not deploy Obi Wan. May Not Deploy Luke or Leia of ability less than 6.
Flip:If you have no Force in Force Pile or your opponent controls a Yavin 4 Site.