TCO V 2.0

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TCO V 2.0

Mutiple SOTE Dream Cards

LS Rebel/Alien, expansion=Shadows of the Empire “*Dash Rendar” “1”

“Skilled Pilot. Claims to be better than Han Solo. MERCENARY. Feared warrior. Hates Bounty Hunters, but sometimes captures people. Always wins.”

Dash Rendar has a new a new character sub-class called a mercenary. A mercenary has all the abilities of a warrior, pilot, gambler, smuggler, information broker, bodyguard, escort, and bounty hunter. Escort=if with a character may move with them for free Bodygaurd=if with a hit leader may forfeit in place of the leader restoring that leader to normal

Power3 Ability3 Force-Attuned
Deploy5 Forfeit8 Pilot Warrior

Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. On Rogue 5 and Outrider adds 2 to manuver. Power +1 for every other Bounty hunter present. Immune to attrition<3.

LS Starfighter, expansion=Shadows of the Empire “*Outrider” “1”

“Fastest starfighter in the galaxy. Even faster than the Millennium Falcon. Piloted by Dash Rendar.”

Power3 Manuever4 Hyperspeed7

Deploy3 Forfeit7 Nav Computer Independent Starship

May add 2 pilot and 4 passengers. Immune to attrition<5 If Dash piloting and adds one battle destiny if Dash Rendar piloting.

DS Alien/Imperial, expansion=Shadows of the Empire “*Prince Xixor” “1”

“Emperor’s right hand man next to Vader. LEADER of Black Sun. Charms women with his species powers.”

Power3 Ability3 Force Attuned

Deploy5 Forfeit7 Pilot Warrior

Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. On Virago also adds 2 to maneuver. Power +2 if Emperor Palpatine on table. During your control phase may charm one female character for 1 Force(reduce ability to 0 for remainder of turn).

DS Starfighter, expansion=Shadows of the Empire “*Virago”

“Xixor’s personal ship. Escaped to his skyhook in this ship when his palace blew up.”

Power3 Maneuver3 Hyperspeed2

Deploy3 Forfeit6 Nav Computer Independent Starship

May add one pilot. Immune to attrition<4 if Xixor piloting. If Xixor piloting, may draw one destiny if not able to otherwise.

DS Imperial, expansion=Shadows of the Empire
“***Jedi Hunter With Lightsaber”

“Loyal to the Emperor, these Darth Vader wannabes helped hunt down and destroy the Jedi. Nameless Dark Lords.”

Power2 Ability5 Force Sensitive

Deploy3 Forfeit5 Warrior Permanent Weapon

Power +2 when with a Jedi or the Emperor. permanent weapon is Dark Jedi Lightsaber (may target using 2 Force, draw two destiny: target hit and forfeit=0 if destiny -1>ability).