TCO V 2.0

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TCO V 2.0

Zekk,Zekk Dark Jedi and Zekk's Lightsaber
by Caleb

Zekk, Coruscant scavanger

The young scamp lives on Coruscant with his friend, Peckhum. He was childhood friends with Jacen and Jaina Solo. Has force ability, but was never recognized as a potential Jedi. Has a knack for finding things.

Power: 4
Ability: 4

Deploy: 4
Forfeit: 2

Text: Deploy -1 and forfeit +1 if at same site with Jaina Solo. May move freely between Coruscant locations. Character lost if Dark Jedi Zekk deployed. Once during your control phase, may take top card from lost pile into hand if cards is a weapon, ship or device.

Zekk, Dark Jedi

Zekk's force potential was recognized by the nightsister Tamith Ka and he was brought to the Shadow Academy to be trained by Lord Brakiss. Has great potential. Strong LEADER.

Power: 5
Ability: 4

Deploy: 4
Forfeit: 4

Text: Power -1 when fighting Jaina or Jacen Solo. Adds one battle destiny draw when fighting any Jedi other than Jaina or Jacen Solo. If deployed on table, Zekk, Coruscant scavanger is immediately lost. May deploy free to Kashyyyk.

Dark Jedi Zekk's Lightsaber

The weapon of a Dark Jedi, its crimson blade strikes fear into the hearts of all that see it.

Text: Use one force to deploy on Zekk, Dark Jedi. May add one force drain where present. Targets for free. Draw two destiny. Target hit and its forfeit=0 if destiny> defense value.