TCO V 2.0

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TCO V 2.0

IG-88 with Riot Gun
by: s_0_s

Power 4 Armor 5
Deploy 5
Forfeit 3
Game Text: May initiate Battle. Permanent Weapon is Riot Gun(may target a character for free; Draw Destiny; target captured if destiny +1 greater than defense value). Adds one battle destiny if alone or with another bounty hunter. Immunne to restraining bolt and purchase.
Other: Pilot, Warrior, and Bounty Hunter

Review. Need man to Clear a site? this is your man, deploy him and binders the round before you want to beat down, they can't battle him so he's safe. Then next turn play Sniper get rid of a good Character. Then deploy your people. During the battle capture another. Thats 2 less characters to add to power and ability. Nice or what? but he can't force drain by himself or if he's piloting he can't probe. He lost his power that he adds to ships, and being able to fire 2 weapons a turn. His destiny is one which is par. But he is also succeptable to Jawa Ionization gun(Great Card). He has a low forfeit but the way I look at it it is just less forfeit to lose to permanent weapons But he has good power, defense value and adds destiny quite often. SO choose whether to use him or not altough I do.